divide due to geographically vast creates regional
disparities and inequities of
resources allocation (a lot of ICT
problems domain).
There are around 950 out of 3150
Higher Education Institutions
have study programs related to ICT
with around 550,000 students
(more than enough human resources).
ICT investments is growing:
ICT-infrastructure procurement such as
hardware, system software, and
networking, especially for
government usage (Continuous ICT
ICT Policy and Regulation are developed
and in place...
• National ICT Council: Coordinating
ICT flagships
•Ministry of Communication and
Information: the use of ICT for
community access point
•Ministry of Education: Endorse the
use of ICT for teaching and learning
•Ministry of Communication And
Information Technology
Indonesian Strategies to Develop
950 Higher Education Institutions
-(HEI) that has ICT related study
programs (resource sharing & relevance).
- Use government ICT spending to
stimulate ICT industry and ICT R&D (setting
-Establish ICT R&D focal points,
according totheir specificity (business